The WasteWater Management System began in 1989 as a request from a northern
California Utility District for software to keep track of sewer service line
inspections. The original program was written in Clipper using dBase
database files. Many new features and improvements were added to the system
in the following 12 years. In 2002 the system was re-written in a modern
windows programming language using a Database Server that provides local,
dial up and internet access.
For information tracked by system see Features.
One of the major successes of the the system was an early adoption of the
use of a report writer for extracting information and producing reports.
This report writer allowed district personnel to modify and update reports
used daily to manage work scheduling. As experience with the report writer
grew, district personnel were able to create reports as needed to answer new
management and regulatory requests.
For some examples of current reports see Reports.
The Technical Features reflect years of
experience developing software for companies like Pacific Telephone,
General Electric and Intel. The software was designed in a modular fashion
to increase reliability while reducing development and maintenance time. The
education and training requirements to update and maintain the system are
minimized by keeping the design of modules simple. Complex system
requirements still can be met through extensions that are available in the
basic building blocks. For example the basic text entry box has been
extended to allow entry of formatted numeric values. By default the number
1234.5 defined in the database as having width of 7 and 2 decimals would be
displayed as 1,234.50. There is a provision in the extension to allow the
display to be customized when needed. Since most of the entry of text and
numeric information is made through the text entry box control, there is
just one set of rules that apply.
As mentioned above the system was converted from the Clipper programming
language. The screen displays were converted with a program. That process
lead to some development tools that could be use to convert other Clipper
programs to a modern windows language. Also a tool was developed to create
screens directly from the data description in the database. See Clipper Conversion.