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Ken Clement's computer museum contains computer hardware and software used during his career as a computer programmer and consultant. He is looking for a more permanent home for these relics.




1970 Model 33 Teletype

The Model 33 teletype was used as a terminal for General Electrics computer time sharing business from 1970 through 1976. It used paper tape for offline storage and was able to print at 10 characters per second through a Anderson Jacobson 110 baud modem.

197? Sorcerer computer
197? Radio Shack TRS80

1982 Diablo 630

The Diablo 630 was one of the first letter quality printers used with personal computers. It used a daisy wheel of characters which could be changed for different fonts. It printed at 30 characters per second.

198? Epson FX80
1984 Compaq DeskPro

19?? Apple Newton


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This site was updated on 12/10/2002